
EN wir-sind-vier Karsten Lenkitsch 1920x1080
If only the Beatles knew that... Karsten Lenkitsch and family

"We are VIER!" Today: Karsten Lenkitsch, VIER Head of Corporate Services

Karsten Lenkitsch talks about his work as Head of Corporate Services at VIER and what he particularly enjoys about his job.

Hello Karsten, how long have you been part of VIER?
I started at cognesys GmbH in 2012, which has been part of VIER as VIER Cognesys since 2022. In October 2022, I moved from VIER Cognesys to VIER and initially served as Executive Project Coordinator for VIER CEO Rainer Holler, which means I supported him in his former area, Central Service. Since April 2024, I have been the Head of Corporate Services.

What does your daily work as Head of Corporate Services look like?
As Head of Corporate Services, I am responsible for the organization and provision of supporting corporate services. This means I oversee processes and tools, the back office, the AGILE Practice Group, and VIER IT. For all topics related to these areas, I ensure that existing processes run as intended, identify potential areas for optimization, and work on how we can create the best possible working environment for everyone. An important aspect for me is the exchange and close collaboration with other departments. Additionally, I continue to support Rainer with many of his tasks.

What do you particularly enjoy about your job?
I particularly enjoy the variety and diversity of the work. New topics constantly arise that we need and want to work on. I am involved with my teams in many of the company's processes, which is both exciting and challenging. Additionally, the necessary interaction with other departments keeps me in frequent contact with other VIER-o-nauts.

What skills or experiences from previous jobs help you in your work?
Firstly, I am naturally quite calm and composed, which is very helpful when things get stressful. Secondly, I believe I am good at organizing and structuring myself and my work. Since I was the sole contact person for many tasks at VIER Cognesys, I can handle multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritize effectively.

Looking back: Is there a school trip you remember particularly fondly?
Several, in fact! In elementary school, we had a partnership with a rural school hostel in Hauset, Belgium, just across the border. We went there every year, so we had more school trips in elementary school than usual. The house was situated right in the forest, providing numerous opportunities for adventure. These included playing capture the flag, scavenger hunts, building dams in the creek, sitting by the campfire in the evenings, and poking sticks into the fire. And as soon as it got dark, there were spooky night hikes. It was fantastic!