

"We are VIER!" Today: Ralf Reese, VIER Human Potential Manager

What does HR manager Ralf Reese do at VIER? Here are his answers!

Hello Ralf, how long have you been part of VIER?
I've been with VIER for five years in May.

You are Human Potential Manager – what does your daily work look like?
Quite expansive and ever-changing, often sprinkled with surprises! My tasks are quite varied. They encompass the entire recruitment process including salary negotiation, contract drafting, and onboarding; administrative duties; apprentice supervision, and the responsibility to ensure we all receive our salaries every month. And a few more topics on top of that.

What do you particularly like about your job?
I really appreciate the flexibility it offers me. That applies both to my work-life balance and to the fact that I get to decide which tasks to tackle next. I can shape processes and rules for us, and I believe over the past few years I've also made an impact at VIER, especially with our "participatory recruitment process" 😉. It's fun to take matters into my own hands, assume responsibility, and to be able to make decisions. Additionally, I just really like my colleagues. I think we're just a super cool bunch!

What experience and skills from previous jobs help you in your work?
I've had the opportunity to work with various companies and international corporations throughout my career, allowing me to navigate numerous change processes and provide support to individuals in senior management roles. However, I've also had to confront challenging issues such as workforce reductions. Thus, I've learned that the field of human resources also involves uncomfortable issues and how to handle them. Additionally, Furthermore, I've learned what employees need to feel comfortable and what communication is helpful or counterproductive. Communication always plays a crucial role!

Is there something that has been lying in your basement for years but isn't allowed to be thrown away?
You should ask my wife that question! Personally, I have no problem parting ways with old, unused items. After decluttering the basement and installing shelving during my parental leave two years ago, it remained fairly organized for about a year. However, since then, some useless stuff has accumulated again, waiting to be sold on eBay.